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Learn English/daily idiom

그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(색깔 2)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 1. 26.

once in a blue moon : 극히 드물게

Meanwhile, I look in on our old mum only once in a blue moon.

out of the blue : 갑자기, 난데없이

It was just out of the blue.

paint the town red 

: 여러 술집[클럽]을 돌아다니며 놀다

It was Thursday night, the hour of painting the town red was upon us.

red light district : 홍등가

We were staying in a seedy hotel close to the red light district.

red tape : (관공서의) 불필요한 요식

They continue to strengthen systems for controlling red tape.

see red : 몹시 화를 내다[붉으락푸르락하다]

I didn't mean to break his nose. I just saw red.
