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Learn English/daily idiom

그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(의류3)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 1. 24.

dressed (up) to the nines 

: 대단히 우아하게[격식을 갖춰] 옷을 입은

They were both dressed to the nines.

talk through your hat 

: (잘 알지도 못하는 것에 대해) 헛소리를 하다

If you want to talk about established churches, think about Britain and Scandinavia, not Spain, and stop talking through your hat.

knock your socks off 

: 타격을 주다, ~에게 큰 영향을 미치다

The problem is that Obama's magnetism and charisma can literally knock one's socks off.

fill somebody's shoes 

: ~의 후임이 되다, ~를 대신하다

And just one person knows how to fill her shoes.

off the cuff : 사전 준비 없이[즉흥적으로]

I am speaking, to some extent, off the cuff here.

old hat : 구식이 된 것

Today’s hits rapidly become old hat.
