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Learn English/daily idiom

그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(빌딩)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 1. 20.

waiting in the wings

대기하다; [특히 사람의 일이나 지위를 계승하려고] 대기하고 있다; 

만반의 준비를 하고 곁에서 기다리고 있다

Drew Barrymore is waiting in the wings.

an ivory tower

상아탑(속세의 근심 걱정과 격리된 장소나 상황)

That is hardly an ivory tower, miles away, far out of sight and mind.

the writing on the wall : 재난의[불길한] 징조

It is amazing that not one of them saw the writing on the wall.

hold the fort

: (남을 대신해서) 자리를 지키다[일을 봐 주다]

"I'll hold down the fort until he's back," Bob said.

hit the roof : 불같이 노하다

Parents have obviously hit the roof.

make yourself at home : 느긋하게[편히]쉬다

Please make yourself at home.
