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Learn English/daily idiom

그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(신체 5)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 1. 17.

jump out of your skin : (갑작스런 충격에) 펄쩍 뛰다

If you're sitting by a table waiting for exam results and the phone rings you jump out of your skin.

eyes like a hawk : 

눈이 예리하다[무엇이든 못 보고 놓치는 법이 없다]

Although he moves very slow, he has eyes like a hawk.

wet behind the ears : 머리[대가리]에 피도 안 마른

I think he's still wet behind the ears.

let your hair down : 느긋하게 즐기다

Night is when you let your hair down.

pull someone's leg : 놀리다, 속이다

Are you trying pull my leg.

have your hands full : 

아주 바쁘다, 손이 비어 있지 않다

They have their hands full bringing up children.

The man has his hands full of bags.
