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그림으로 보는 이디엄(동물 2) let the cat out of the bag : 무심코 비밀을 누설하다The Secretary of State let the cat out of the bag. 출처 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/seeminglee/3929909547/ like a fish out of water : 장소[상황]에 어울리지 않는I feel slightly like a fish out of water this morning.출처 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/dumbledad/3441009418/ quiet as a mouse : 아주 조용한He was quiet as a mouse in class.출처 : www.pixabay.com sick as a dog : 몸이.. 2014. 2. 7.
그림으로 보는 이디엄(동물) (it's) raining cats and dogs : 비가 억수같이 퍼붓다It was raining cats and dogs. (like) water off a duck's back : (특히 비판이) 전혀 효과가 없는, 마이동풍I can’t tell my son what to do; it’s water off a duck’s back with him. a night owl : 야행성(밤에 활기차고, 아주 늦게 자는 사람)The coach is an early-morning person, the swimmer a night owl. a queer fish[bird, card, customer] : 좀 특이한[살짝 맛이 간] 사람, 기인She's a bit odd. Sort of a queer fish... 2014. 2. 6.
그림으로 보는 이디엄(숫자 3번째) par for the course : 당연한, 보통[예사]의; 전형적인That's par for the course in government. put all your eggs in the one basket : 한곳에 모두 쏟아 붓다The key word here is diversify; don't put all your eggs in one basket. the year dot / the year one : 때의 시작, 옛날, 오래 전They have lived here since the year one. a zero-sum game : 승자와 패자의 이득과 손실의 합이 제로가 되는 것The economy becomes a zero-sum game if we resort to protectionism .. 2014. 2. 5.
그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(숫자 2번째) zero tolerance : 무관용 정책, 엄중처벌 원칙They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment. zero in on : ~에 초점을 맞추다These days the technology is there to even zero in on a great idea someone may have with additional granularity. a one-track mind : 늘상 한가지 (특히 섹스)만 생각함Yes, that's right, the girl with a one track mind just got laid. have second thoughts : 다시 생각한 후 마음을 바꾸다I'm having second thoughts. .. 2014. 2. 4.