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Learn English/daily idiom

그림으로 보는 이디엄(동물 2)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 2. 7.

let the cat out of the bag : 무심코 비밀을 누설하다

The Secretary of State let the cat out of the bag.

출처 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/seeminglee/3929909547/

like a fish out of water : 장소[상황]에 어울리지 않는

I feel slightly like a fish out of water this morning.

출처 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/dumbledad/3441009418/

quiet as a mouse : 아주 조용한

He was quiet as a mouse in class.

출처 : www.pixabay.com

sick as a dog : 몸이 극도로 안 좋은; 많이 토하는

Forgive me but I'm sick as a dog over this.

출처 : www.pixabay.com

take the bull by the horns 

: 문제[난국]에 정면으로 맞서다

There is no one in my opinion capable of taking the bull by the horns.

출처 : www.pixabay.com
