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그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(음식 세번째)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 1. 9.

음식과 관련된 단어로 구성된 이디엄 입니다.

on the back burner : 생각·계획 등을 뒤로 제쳐 둔 

But that doesn't mean that you should put physical activity on the back burner. 

grease someone's palm : 뇌물을 주다

Now the issue is who greased whose palm?

a flash in the pan : 일시적인 성공

 We don't want this to be a flash in the pan.

a recipe for disaster : 재앙의 원인, 재앙을 부르는 것

 You give them a gun, and it's a recipe for disaster. 

half-baked : 섣부른

What he has proposed is half baked.

not your cup of tea :  

취향이 아니다; ~가 즐기는 것은 아니다

Horror movies are just not my cup of tea.
