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그림으로 보는 오늘의 이디엄(음식 두번째)

by english learning tutorial 2014. 1. 7.

음식이 들어가 있는 이디엄 2번째 입니다.   심심할때 가볍게 읽으시면 좋겠습니다.

upset the applecart : (계획,준비 등을) 망쳐 놓다

I'm not going to do anything to upset the apple cart here,' he says.

eat your words : 자신의 말이 틀렸음을 인정하다

I hope McG's Terminator movie blows everyone away so you can eat your words.

go down a treat : 아주 성공적인, 매우 즐거운

Simple, transparent financial services will go down a treat with the public.

And the festive favourite went down a treat with the bored contestants.

in a nutshell : 아주 간결하게

 So in a nutshell we are bankrupt.

take with a grain(pinch) of salt  : ~을 가감하여 듣다

I'll take this with a grain of salt.

eat humble pie(영국) / eat crow(미국) : 

잘못[실수]을 인정하다

Unfortunately, the Minister had to eat humble pie.
